Unique challenge awaits you!! Join our team today. RU team welcome you to create whole new educational institution in the heart of Tokyo.

We are looking for partners to create an innovative learning institution in the heart of Tokyo, Roppongi. This project is a community of passionate individuals determined to break free from conventional norms and pioneer new frontiers in education. We are seeking dedicated core members to drive transformation and explore new possibilities in learning environments. Departing from traditional educational settings, we emphasize creativity, collaboration, self-expression, and learning from diverse perspectives. Our goal is to establish a one-of-a-kind space where people from different backgrounds can come together, learn, and grow.

Your passion, knowledge, skills, and innovative ideas will be the heart and soul of this project. We are eager to collaborate and build together to redefine “learning” and “experience,” offering fresh insights and experiences. If you’re interested, please reach out to us. Your enthusiasm is invaluable to this unique endeavor.

※ 私たちは東京の中心地、六本木に革新的な学びの施設を創り出すための仲間を求めています。このプロジェクトは、既存の価値観にとらわれず、新たな学びのフロンティアを開拓しようとする情熱的な人々のコミュニティです。私たちは変革を起こし、学びの場の新たな可能性を探求するために、志高いコアメンバーを求めています。古典的な教育の場所から脱却し、創造性、協力、自己表現、そして異なる視点からの学びを重視します。私たちは異なるバックグラウンドを持つ人々が出会い、学び、共に成長できる唯一無二の場所を築きたいと考えています。


Market Researcher

qualifications : highly motivated, p.c skills, basic english, japanese(preferred),

Conducts market research, competitive analysis, and understands customer need and trends.

RN : 23-2425

※ 主に市場調査、分析、将来のトレンド予測などを担当

Business Planner

qualifications : highly motivated, p.c skills, basic english, japanese(preferred),

Develops and executes business plans and strategies to achieve our vision.

RN : 23-2426

※ 計画を策定しビジョンを達成する戦略を担当

Fundrasing Expert

qualifications : highly motivated, p.c skills, basic english, japanese(preferred)

Secures funding and capital for the business.
also, advising financial matter.

RN : 23-242

※ 主に資金調達を担当

Legal Counsel

qualifications : highly motivated, p.c skills, basic english, japanese(preferred)

Manages legal issues, contracts, and legal compliance for our business.

RN : 23-2428

※ 法的問題や契約の管理、ビジネスにおける法的コンプライアンスの確保を担当

Business Development Specialist

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills basic english japanese(preferred)

Develops growth strategies like partnerships, alliances, M&A, etc.

RN : 23-2429
※ ビジネス計画を策定し、ビジョンを達成する戦略を担当

Marketing Specialist

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills basic english japanese(preferred)

Formulates product / service promotion, advertising, and brand strategies.

RN : 23-2430
※ サービスのプロモーション、広告、ブランド戦略を担当

Financial Officer

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills english (preferred) basic japanese

Handles budgeting, accounting, and financial management for the business.

RN : 23-2431


Technical Expert

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills basic english japanese(preferred)

Manages technical aspects, including product design and software development.

RN : 23-2432

※ 技術的な側面を管理、製品設計やソフトウェア開発を指導

Customer Support Representative

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills basic english basic japanese

Ensures smooth communication with customers to enhance satisfaction.

RN : 23-2433


Operations Manager

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills basic english japanese(preferred)

Optimizes processes and efficiency,ensuring smooth business operations.

RN : 23-2434


Human Resources Specialist

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills basic english basic japanese

Manages hiring, training, and HR policies to build a team.

RN : 23-2435


Designer / Creative

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills english(preferred) japanese(preferred)

Creates brand image and product designs, providing visual elements.

RN : 23-2436


Supply Chain / Logistics Coordinator

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills english (preferred) basic japanese

Manages procurement, inventory, and logistics for production and distribution.

RN : 23-2435


Social Media Manager

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills basic english basic japanese

Manages the online presence on social media platforms and builds an online community.

RN : 23-2437


Metaverse Operations Specialist

qualifications : highly motivated p.c skills basic english metaverse knowledge

Grand Design RU on Metaverse. Managing and optimizing metaverse operations.

RN : 23-2435
